a Non-signatory there to : How is it dealing with the ever rising cases of
International Parental Child Abduction?”
is this Convention all about?
This convention provides for the scenario when there
is a child born of parents in a place, to whom neither of parents belongs
originally and there is a strain in marital relationship, and one of the
parents took the child to that parent’s nation of origin, without the consent
or knowledge of the other parent. This convention is to tackle the situation
when a child is born in a particular state and is growing up there and suddenly
due to strenuous relationship between the parents, a tug of war starts and one
of the parents deceitfully take away that child to his/her state of origin and
the child suddenly finds him/herself in a strange place altogether. This
situation will have detrimental impact on the welfare and well being of the
child, being wrongfully removed from or retained outside his/her state of
habitual residence.
Therefore, the focal point is the habitual residence
of the child before child’s wrongful removal or retention. The child when takes
birth and starts his/her journey of life from being a ‘just born’, to being an
infant, from toddlerhood to childhood to adolescence, builds a societal
equation around him/her in the form of social ties and to bring in a sudden
change of place abruptly, results in serious consequences to the child. And
this situation is on the constant rise in view of the ever increasing
globalised world where boundaries are getting blurred by the day and there is
constant movement of the people building societal ties and all this
unfortunately is leading to a growth in number of international child
The convention tries to locate, recover and return
those children, which could be complex and difficult; its aim is to protect
children internationally from the harmful effects of their wrongful removal or
retention by a providing a system of cooperation between parents and an
effective procedure for the return of the child to their state of habitual
This convention also provides for the protection of
rights of access of the child. This convention defines child being person who
has not attained the age of 16 years.
This convention declares that the interests of the
children are of paramount importance in matters relating to their custody.
is India dealing with it?
The Government of India is not yet ready to sign the
treaty, though there has been immense pressure, esp. from the United States of
America. The Indian state has the apprehension, considering the state of women
in the country, esp. in the scenario of NRI taking advantage of womenfolk of
the country by marrying them and leaving them in a foreign land; that signing
the treaty could lead to harassment of women escaping marital discord or
domestic violence.
India, taking cue for Japan, has been asserting that
it will put safeguards before acceding to the Hague Treaty.
A Committee was constituted by the Central
Government to examine the legal issues involved in international parental
abduction, which had submitted its report in April 2021; in the report the said
Committee had opposed a central provision of the Hague convention, with the
opinion that criterion of habitual residence of the child, which is used to
determine whether the child was wrongfully removed by a parent as well as to
seek the return of the child to the country of habitual residence, was not in
the best interest of the child. The Committee had also recommended setting up a
Child Removal Disputes Resolution Authority to act as a nodal body to decide on
the custody of the child as well as a model law to deal with such disputes.
However the Govt. of India on the other hand has
been contemplating assigning the National Commission for Protection of Child
Rights, the role of adjudication in such cases along with a judicial expert.
Therefore India has its own standing on the subject
and is taking time to understand various nuances around the subject-issue; and
could be expected that it will come out with a nuanced stance over the subject.
are Indian Courts dealing with it?
In 2013, Delhi High Court,
while dealing with the issue of international child abduction, had observed
that in parental abduction cases, where a
spouse is residing separately or otherwise from the opposite spouse, in a
particular country, and flees from the said country to her original home
country along with the minor child born to the parties, and the issue of
custody arises in the Court within territorial jurisdiction whereof the spouse
and the minor child ordinarily reside, post abduction, the legal principles to
be kept in mind are that irrespective of whether the country of the Court
concerned is or is not a signatory to the ‘Hague Convention’, principles
embodied in the Convention must be kept in mind. This would mean that if there
is an order of a Court of competent jurisdiction in the country wherein the
abduction took place, the said order has to be respected. The disadvantage to
the other spouse has also to be kept in view. One has to keep in mind the
injury caused to the mind of the child who is uprooted all of a sudden from a
familiar surrounding; the psychological damage caused to the child due to
sudden removal from a familiar environment to an unfamiliar environment.
Injustice caused to the opposite spouse. The welfare principle i.e. the risk of
harm while returning the child to the foreign shores; the welfare and interest
of the child.
the High Court, in above noted matted, had applied the principles embodied in
the Hague Convention, while deciding the issue, to which both the parents also
had accorded their consent.
case before High Court pertained to a matrimonial dispute, wherein the wife
was of Indian origin and husband was non-Indian and there matrimonial home was
at South Africa; husband’s was second marriage and first was, initially a
live-in relationship, out of which one son was there aged 13 at that time i.e.
2004, when instant marriage took place and in 2006 a girl child was born with
Indian wife. Relationship
soured between the couple and they took recourse to legal help. Both moved an
application for divorce by mutual consent to snap the matrimonial bond;
requiring husband to pay monthly maintenance to wife. The couple agreed to the
joint custody of the girl child as also how the girl child would share her
invaluable time with the two separated parents. Divorce by mutual consent was
granted in 2010 by the High Court of South Africa, inter-alia, binding the
parties under terms of settlement arrived at between the parents; and both
agreed to joint custody of the girl child and the school to which the girl
child would be admitted and all other aspects connected with the education and
other aspects of welfare and well being of the girl child. It was agreed
between the couple that the girl child would not be removed by either
parent from South Africa without the written consent of the other parent. One
facilitator was also appointed in South Africa, in order to crease out any
future occurring differences between the couple. Things did not go smooth and
the couple finally took to warring paths. Disputes and differences started
piling up. Ultimately, the wife deceitfully, took the girl child to India and
started filing cases in Delhi, which finally reached the Delhi High Court.
Delhi High Court, in the attending complicated facts and complex legal issues
tried to pave the way towards adjudicating the issue and made following
pertinent observations:
“The bond between a mother and her child has always
been held, especially in India, standing on a higher pedestal vis-à-vis the
bond between a father and his child. From times immemorial, the Indian ethos gives
the highest place in the life of a child to the mother, followed by the teacher
and at third place comes the father.” (Para 48)
“But, this is only a starting point of discussion, or
to put inlegal language: Theonus cast is against the father.” (Para 49)
“But, there are no easy solutions for the reason an
organizedcivil society and an orderly world order require : (i) It being the
object of every law to deter either parent from taking law into in their own
hands; and (ii) respecting the principle
of comity of nations and Courts.” (Para 50)
“Children, especially of a tender age, and by that
we mean children who have not entered their teens, do not always know what is best
for them though they may have acute perception of what is going on around them.
They may profess to have authentic views about the right and the proper way to
resolve matters, but the same would be hazy.” (Para 56)
“When we speak about a child’s interest we
understand the same to be comprising of two distinct parts. Part I : Maintaining
family ties. Part II :Ensuring the child’s development within
a sound environment and least not such as would harm the development of the child.
It is the second which is inherent in the rule requiring a prompt return of the
abducted child, unless there is a grave risk that the child’s return would
expose the child to a physical or a psychological harm or otherwise place the
child in an intolerable situation and its converse that if one year elapses
from the date of the abduction when the aggrieved spouse moved for return of
the child, the Courts should be reluctant to return the child. (Para 57)
Court after laying Paragraphs 56 and 57 went on to decide the issue at hand on
principles so quoted in said paragraphs. But the High Court beforehand launched
a caveat in the subsequent paragraph i.e. para 58, which is a nuanced legal
nicety adopted and followed to resolve the issue at hand; which is as follows:
understood what would be the interest of the child to be kept in mind, we need
to lodge a caveat. The law requires that ‘the best interest of the child
shall be a primary consideration’. The law does not require that ‘the interest
of the child shall be the primary consideration’. The law also does not require
that ‘the best interest of the child shall be a paramount consideration’. Thus,
the distinction between ‘a primary consideration’; ‘the primary consideration’;
and ‘the paramount consideration’ has to be kept in mind. (Para 58)
High Court clearly says that the law requires that ‘the best interest of the child shall be a primary consideration’. The
subsequent lines concerns legal niceties to be appreciated by a lawyer or
judge. It connotes that in a legal battle between spouses, while resolving the
complex, intricate legal and factual issues, the best interest of the
child shall be a primary consideration for the Court concerned;
the Court, therefore, is bounden to take notice of perspectives of child as to
his/her interest and welfare when both the parents are indulged in a bitter
legal battle involving the harsh games of adults far away from the world of a
child; but the Court is at the same time seized with the matrimonial dispute
which needs to be decided on its own merit and, therefore, the caveat.
High Court went on to observe that the system in place in the Republic of South
Africa on future custody issues was far better than what we have in India, in
the form of Court adjudications, indicating again the concern of the child.
the Delhi High Court had held against the wife and observed the following:
“In our
opinion Dr. Neeta Misra, for the
moment, has no evidence to prima-facie
justify risk of grave danger which Hope (the girl child) would be facing on
return to the Republic of South Africa. By her act of contrivance, Dr. Neeta Misra
has prevented the three experts: ______to interact further with Hope (the girl child) and identify the truth.
Having aborted the inquiry by the three, she cannot claim the benefit of any
scattered evidence which she projects.” (Para 69)
para shows as to how the High Court weigh mutually conflicting interests and
arrived at a decision in the complex issues before it by striking a judicious
balance, which only and only the High Court could have done being within its
jurisdiction as endowed upon it vide the Constitution of India. (The Writ
have kept in mind the entire family situation, the factual, emotional,
psychological and other material placed before us. We have to strike a fair
balance between the competing interests of Hope: to return her to her familiar
surroundings in the Republic of South Africa as also the alleged grave risk
which she may be exposed to if required to be returned. Finding evidence of the
latter being scanty, further finding Dr. Neeta Misra to have prevented a fair
inquiry by the three experts after having sittings with Hope, noting further
the walls created by Dr. Neeta Misra which prevented Philip David Dexter to
seek redressal within one year of Hope?s parental
abduction, respecting the comity of Courts, we find case made out in favour of Philip
David Dexter in WP(Crl.) No. 1562/2012.” (Para 73)
India is not a signatory to the Hague Convention, but the Courts in India, esp.
the Higher Courts i.e. the Supreme Court and the High Courts, are not hesitant
to adopt, follow principles contained therein and on the basis of Principle of
Comity of Nations & Courts
Parminder Singh, Advocate
Hazari Courts, Delhi]