Bombay High Court opens the way for the reconstruction of the director's home of Dainik Bhaskar near INS Trata (3.10.2023)

3.10.2023 : Due to the site’s proximity to the naval missile battery base INS Trata, the Bombay High Court ordered BMC to process Girish Agarwal, the director of the Dainik Bhaskar,'s application for permission to reconstruct a three-story house in Worli within four months.

A division bench Justice Sunil B Shukre and Justice MW Chandwani observed :

the facts of this case are so glaring that it would be illogical and even absurd to say that same building with same height at the same place as the earlier building which existed in the vicinity of INS Trata would become a security hazard upon its construction. What was not a hazardous structure from security view point would not become so only because it is constructed anew without any increase in height.”

04 Oct 2023